Sunday 3 February 2008


Yesterday was just fantastic! Loads of people, loads of dancing and loads of money raised! Provisional total is-
That's £1500 over our target! I am just over the moon and want to say a huge thank you and well done to all the dancers who collected sponsorship, all those who came along in the evening to support us and particulalry to our fab dj's - Paul Claydon, Matt Riddle, Martin Ellis and Mike Amin who did a fantastic job all day. I'd also like to say a huge thank you to the committee of Cambridge Lindy Hoppers who did such a lot of work to make this event happen-you guys totally rock! I will collect some photos off people and try and put them up.

We'll also be on TV later! ITV Anglia West came and filmed us during the day and it will be broadcast on Sunday evening at 17.14 and also hopefully on Monday on he 6pm news bulletin. If you miss it, then the film will be on the ITV Anglia website for the next week or so

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