Sunday 18 March 2007


Eight hours of dancing, vast amounts of chocolate brownies and more than 50 fabulous dancers= a fantastic day of dancing! Even better we smashed our target of £2500 and so far our total stands at-


and there's still some more money to come in, so we may make it to £4000!!! I am just shattered after a very long day yesterday but I am utterly ecstatic as well. I really can't thank everyone who came along and supported this event enough, and especially all the sponsored dancers who did so well for such a great cause. Special thanks also have to go to the three fabulous dj's Paul Clayden, Matthew Riddle and Martin Ellis, who provided such a fantastic night of swinging sounds. I will post some photos once I have recovered a bit and have found some that are in focus...

So once again, on behalf of The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, and all the people out there with CF including me- THANK YOU and WELL DONE!!!!


Zot said...

If we can make £4000 with 50 dancers -- what about if we did it next year and got 100? Or 200??! It was a great event, cheap to attend as a dancer, and absolutely freaking briiiiiiilliant as a social occasion. Next year could even be bigger with live bands and all of us raving about how great this one went. :)

coolbritanja said...

Congratulations, Ros! You did a fantastic job organizing this and much fun was had by all of us. Looks like Neil and I aren't the only ones who think this should definitely be repeated next year!!! :)

Unknown said...

well we might do it again, but I think someone else can do the food!

Unknown said...

well we might do it again, but I think someone else can do the food!

Zot said...

Yeah, go the volunteer route! The food was great by the way! Mmmmmm, foooood.